What should we call the "Persian Gulf"?
Proposed alternate names
... Some parties use terms like "The Gulf" or the "Arabo-Persian Gulf". After the Iranian Revolution of 1979 some people in Islamic groups suggested the use of "Islamic Gulf." The originator of the term Islamic Gulf is not known, while some people suggest that prominent figures of the early years of the Islamic republic including Ruhollah Khomeini, Mehdi Bazargan, and Sadegh Khalkhali may have supported the idea. The idea was quickly abandoned after Iran was invaded by its predominantly Muslim neighbor, Iraq. Possibly the most famous person who has used the term "Islamic Gulf" recently has been Osama bin Laden, who used the term as late as 1996.
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اینقدر اعصابم خورد شد که نتونستم اصل مقاله رو بخونم
علي دهقانيان, در
۴:۵۲ بعدازظهر
What on earth do they think? A group of monkey working around the clock are ruling the country and that's all we can get, losing the islands is not enough , so why not lose the identity of our waters?!!! Persian Gulf will always remain Persian, actually I should say : hopefully it will remain Persian.
Forough, در
۹:۳۳ بعدازظهر
متاسفم که اعصابتون رو خرد کردم، ولی واقعیت همینه همینه
Unknown, در
۱۱:۰۶ بعدازظهر
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